2 Cent FB Traffic

2 Cent FB Traffic – A powerful formula I used to generate 2 cent clicks in extremely competitive and profitable niche using FB ads.
You are going to discover highly effective technique to generate cheap and targeted traffic.
The formula I used to generate highly targeted and cheap traffic with FB ads.
If you are promoting CPA offers or sales based affiliate programs with Facebook ads, it is best to bid on CPC (cost per click) basis. But, for like campaigns, it is recommended to bid on CPM basis. In simple terms, if you want to use Facebook ads to build your fan base, you are going to bid on CPM basis. Which means, you are going to pay for every thousand impression of your ad.
What does this mean? If you design high CTR ads, you are going to get lots of clicks. If your ad sucks, you are going to waste your money. To make things as simple as possible, let’s take an example … For instance, let’s say you are paying 10 cents for thousand impressions. If your CTR is 0.1%, you will get 1 click for thousand impressions. At the end, you are going to pay 10 cents per click. Because, your CTR is too low. If you improve your CTR to 0.2%, you are going to pay 5 cents per click. Better that the first. But, if you further improve your CTR to 1%, you are going to pay only 1 cent per click.
January 7th, 2017